Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Quick Workout! 15 minutes, All Levels January 2013

A good workout if pressed for time.

 a. 100 jumping Jacks

Instructions:  Set a timer for 12 minutes.  Complete as many rounds as possible in that 12 mins.

Circuit A x 12 mins:
a. Push-ups x10

b. Squats x10

c. Mountain Climbers x20

d. Reverse Lunges x10 each leg 

To make this workout more challenging:

a. Clap Push-ups x10

b. Jump Squats x10

c. Mountain Climbers x20

d. Jump Lunges x10 each leg

Good Luck!

1 comment:

  1. Great workout! I just did the advanced set (minus the clapping push ups). Quads and shoulders are burning! Awesome! :)
