Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Six Exercise Set - 05/13/13

This is a simple workout in terms of format, but tough when you have to do the set 5 times through!  Try to take as little breaks as possible between exercises.  Allow for a 1-2 minute break between rounds.

Warm up:  1 mile run OR 1200 Jump Rope

Set A X 5:
  1. DB squat, curl, press X 10 reps
  2. Step back lunge to front kick X 10 reps each side
  3. (20 DB jabs + 5 divebombers) X 4
  4. Single leg squat jumps X 10 reps each side
  5. Pull ups X 10 reps (Modification:  TRX Body rows X 15 reps)
  6. Barrel roll v-ups X 10 reps

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

4-Minute Sets - April 26, 2013

4-minute sets…

Set A X 4 mins:  
Add a push up w/ with each round…
  1. Plank walks - 10 steps to right 
  2. 1 push up
  3. Plank walks back to start - 10 steps to left
  4. 2 push ups
  5. etc...

**Partner band rows in elbow plank - 1 min each side**

Set B X 4 mins:  
Add a lunge jump with each round…
  1. Walking lunges, forward - 5 reps each side
  2. 1 Lunge jump each side
  3. Walking lunges, backward - 5 reps each side
  4. 2 lunge jumps each side

**Side elbow plank w/ T-rotation - 1 min each side**

Set C X 4 mins:
Chin ups, ½ to full ROM X 5 reps total
DB 1 arm row w/ T-rotation X 10 reps each side

**Chair pose w/ mini-band pull a-parts**

Set D X 4 mins:
Cardio machine of choice – 1 min
Wall sit – 1 min

**DB bicep curls X 20 reps**

6-Minute Sets - April 19, 2013


Set A X 6 mins:
1.  0.10 mile sprint, 5% incline
2.  (Bear crawl to bench - 5 explosive push ups - Backwards bear crawl to start) X 4

**Elbow plank w/ leg lifts X 1 min**

Set B X 6 mins:
1.  Bike – out, heavy X 75 revolutions
2.  Walking lunges w/ DB press X 20 reps total

**Burpees – 1 min**

Set C X 6 mins:
1.  Squat jump w/ MB slam and chest pass X 10 reps
2.   Low lunge jumps X 10 reps
3.  Wall sit w/ MB rotation and pass X 10 reps

**Sit ups – 1 min**

KB Set X 6 mins:
KB floor chest press X 10 reps each side
KB Tricep extensions X 10 reps
KB 1 arm rows X 10 reps each side
KB bicep curls X 10 reps each side

**Decline elbow plank w/ oblique knees -  1 min**

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Full body with some cardio sprinkled between - April 17, 2013

Set A X 2:
DB Inch worms w/ spiderman push ups - 1 min
Hand walks on and off bench/box - 1 min

**2 mins Cardio of choice:  Treadmill hill run, 10% OR Bike hill ride, out, heavy OR Jump rope

Set B X 2:
DB squat walks w/ reverse flies - 1 min
iso squat jumping jacks - 1 min

**2 mins Cardio of choice:  Treadmill hill run, 10% OR Bike hill ride, out, heavy OR Jump rope

Set C X 2:
DB walking lunges w/ bicep curls - 1 min
Ice skater to 1 leg squat thrust - 1 min

**2 mins Cardio of choice:  Treadmill hill run, 10% OR Bike hill ride, out, heavy OR Jump rope

Set D X 2:
DB iso bridge - 1 min
Sprinters - 1 min

**2 mins Cardio of choice:  Treadmill hill run, 10% OR Bike hill ride, out, heavy OR Jump rope