Q: What do you do to
stay in shape?
A: To stay in shape I try to challenge myself with new
things. Whether I’m doing traditional
strength training, gymnastics, martial arts, parkour, or functional training. I try to keep myself as interested in my
workouts as possible. I have what I like
to call “exercise ADHD.” I lose interest
in workouts very quick. So I make sure I
stay goal oriented in all my workouts.
Even though I don’t enjoy it sometimes, I try to focus on weaknesses as
well. I train 5-6 days per week, taking
at least 1 full rest day. Workouts are
great, but they usually only take up anywhere from 20 minutes to 60 minutes of
my day. I try to stay as active as
possible throughout the day as well. I
never find myself sitting for too long; my goal is to keep moving! If I ever find myself sitting for too long I
get up do a couple of exercises and find something to do that is active. I believe that is the key. KEEP MOVING!
Q: What’s your diet like?
A: My diet focuses
more on eating natural foods and trying my hardest to stay away from processed
foods. I view what I eat as fuel. If I view it as a pleasure then I’m sure to
overindulge. I’m human too! I love pizza, burgers, and junk food, but I
know that none of those foods are going to help me reach my goal. So I stay away from it. What you eat plays a
huge role in how you perform physically, mentally, and emotionally. Put good food in, you get a good
product. Treat your body like a Ferrari. You wouldn't put regular unleaded fuel in a Ferrari would you?
Q: What’s the secret to achieving your fitness goals?
A: I have 3 secrets.
The 1st secret is…HARD WORK!
You can’t be afraid of hard work and sweat. Building strength, losing weight, “toning
up”, building muscle, building speed, all these things are adaptations of the
body. Your body is a great machine, it
adapts to what you want it to do. If you
don’t force your body to adapt, it won’t!
Progressively working outside your comfort zone is when you’ll see the
most results. The 2nd
well-kept secret is CONSISTENCY!
“Repetition is the mother of skill.”
Reaching your goal is a process.
You can never expect to reach your goals overnight, if you do, then you didn't aim high enough. 3rd
and last secret is…MOVE! Workouts are
usually only 45 minutes to 1 hour of your day.
There are 168 hours in a week. So
even if you workout every day for an hour, it only accounts for 7 hours! What about the other 161 hours?! What you do outside of the gym is just as
important as what you do in it. Keeping
the same discipline in the gym and outside is what’s going to help you reach
your goals and help you live a healthier life.
To clarify, I don’t mean that you need to be working out in and out of
the gym, kicking your own butt every chance you get. What I simply mean is that you need to make
sure you’re trying to stay active and be mindful of your diet. Try to keep the “sitting around watching tv
time” to a minimum. Get up and do
stuff! Walk your dog, do clean your
house, play with your kids, etc. Find
excuses to move around!
Follow these secrets, get a little more educated on what
foods to eat or type of training program to follow (Find someone to teach you
if need be. Don’t be afraid to ask for
help!) and I promise that you’ll reach whatever goals you set for yourself.